Promotions men Tony Jackson and Bill Fleming are responsible for the planning, organisation and running of the Clan Balls, Clan Centres and Big ‘S’ nights at ballrooms and clubs throughout Scotland.
Before joining the station Bill Fleming ran his own theatrical agency and at one time published a Scottish musical magazine.
Tony Jackson has spent most of his life in far off lands. He has motored through the Sahara and hitch-hiked to India and back working as a free-lance journalist. Tony always has a fascinating tale to tell of his travels abroad.
The department’s work includes taking parties to visit the Radio Scotland ship and supplying information about the station in answer to the hundreds of letters which come in from all over the world.
All kinds of events are run from the department ranging from a charity walk and football match to special shows.
One of the biggest events of the year is the TOP OF THE SCOTS beat contest staged all over Scotland by Radio Scotland’s Promotion department and ALP Records. Heats are held in various towns throughout the country and the finals take place in Glasgow. Big prize money, recording contracts and band equipment await the winners.
Another exciting event staged during 1966 was the fabulous Miss Radio Scotland contest. Heats were held all over the country and the grand finals took place at a big-beat spectacular in Glasgow.