242 Radio Scotland's Showbeat Magazine
Radio Scotland, which was the first of the commercial radio stations to produce its own regional programmes, has another “first” to its credit.
It is the first station to have its own magazine. Called “242” after the radio station’s spot on the medium waveband, “242” magazine is not simply a programme journal like the “Radio Times”. It is a complete entertainment magazine in its own right, covering the musical and show business scene particularly in Scotland, but in the south and abroad when the occasion demands.
“242” also acts as a link between Radio Scotland and members of the Clan, through a column written by Cathy Spence, and through pen-pal and letters pages.
It is a successful publication which owes much to the station’s listeners, who have done a great deal to support it not only by purchasing it, but also by writing with enthusiasm with their ideas and criticisms to the editors.
Jim Blair began his journalistic career with the “Evening Times” where he pioneered a fashion column a la mod. From there he moved to Super ‘S’ and 242 Showbeat where he has become lead writer with this top-teen magazine.