The technical operation of Radio Scotland is recording studios, and the shipboard transmitting split into two distinct parts … the shore-based station.
The transmitters are mounted in the “Comet”, which is itself some 90ft. in length, and is of 500 tons displacement. Two diesel generators drive these transmitters, which are R.C.A. BIO J’s, employing the Ampliphase system of phase modulation.
Each transmitter develops 10,000 watts, and the transmitters feed via a combining network to the aerial. This gives a total power output of 20,000 watts, with the added facility that either transmitter can shut down for maintenance, and the service retained on half-power.
The recording studios, which are in Radio Scotland House, are equipped with a Pye sound-mixing desk and full recording facilities, enabling interviews, beat group and light entertainment shows to be pre-recorded and dispatched to the ship for transmission at scheduled programme times.